Monday, May 24, 2010

Who is your best friend?

I have forgiven her
for all the wrongs she has done so far,
for all the mistakes she did knowingly or unknowingly,
for all her inadequacies,
for all her designing n functional faults,
for all the wrong decisions she has made,
for all the harsh words she has uttered and the pain it caused to others and to herself,
for all the stupidities she has done..
and in turn,she forgave me
for being so harsh to her,
for being so critical about everything she did ,
for judging her based on other people's opinions ,
for cursing her for something that was never her fault ,
for hating her unconditionally,
for digging up past events to make her feel bad about herself,
for not appreciating her enough whenever she did anything commendable..

BUT now,

Now we have patched up our frayed relations.
my savage brutality towards her is over.
we love each other now.
and I've found my best friend in her.
now she confides in me without hesitation.
because,now she knows that i would never leave her side.
even if she does something stupid,she knows i would still love her.
even if she fails,she will not be afraid of trying again.
because, I am there to support her through her journey of life
And I have accepted her just the way she is.
and she said,this tranquility and peace will encourage her to improve herself in a healthy atmosphere.
she is confident that,with my support, she can survive even the biggest setbacks in life,
and still come out as a winner.
I will always listen to her and she will march ahead in life fearlessly.
We are now best friends.and shall never part ways again.
How can we? when she happens to live right 'WITHIN ME'.
My soul,my mind,my heart..I don't know what to call her,
apart from knowing that she is somewhere inside,who makes me what I am.what I think.what I do. 'SHE IS ME'.
And I am happy to say that I love myself!with all the faults.with all the inadequacies.with all the imperfections.
Nobody is born perfect!we work on ourselves all the time towards improvement.
But it is equally important to love ourselves through this process.and never be too hard on ourselves when we fail to meet our own expectations.
for where are we gonna go?we can run away from the world but how can we run away from ourselves?
We can't.
So give yourself another chance.
So what if you failed?Get up,dust off the dirt n start again.
Don't let others decide how you should be treating yourself.get rid of that burden of guilt and start afresh!
We all make our share of mistakes n stupidities and this is precisely how we learn and grow.
your confidence,your faith,your spirit lies right within you.just listen to it!
You can't afford to cross swords with it.
As someone has wisely said-"You can't expect to win a battle,when your enemy has his outposts in Your Head"
So,go ahead.It's time to shake hands with your best friend :)

-this article is for all those who are excessively critical towards themselves and never seem to be happy for whatever they are.guys,ease up.loosy-goosy baby.take a chill thy neighbor but more importantly, love thyself...

-a non stop preacher.


  1. an eternal philosopher ..but the post also signifies a lot of pent up frustation and battles that you find everyday... that which you cannot tell to anyone because you have not yet accepted it that such battles do take a toll...

    I don't know if I make sense at all... becoz I guess you will think this is crap..

    Hope it is crap...because such things are difficult to endure ..

    Make peace with oneself is not only to be said it has to be done too...

    Sooner or later ...things will turn better the way they ought to be...the way they should be..

    Till then keep smiling!!!

  2. you are the only one who reads my blog and more importantly,leaves such compassionate,thoughtful comments.. really,thank you! :)

    i agree,things like these are easier said than done.sometimes,thoughts like these create such profound impact that i feel,this state is here to stay.but,as a few days pass,i end up where i had started.but i hope someday,i will make peace forever..this fleeting happiness will find a permanent home in my heart!i don't know how to do it.guess i will keep doing whatever im good at..can't lose hopes..

  3. when do i get to see your new post my friend?

  4. lol..guess i succeeded in my purpose of keeping it a bit secretive n later opening it slowly..:D
    thank u saranga...:)

  5. that was nice .....
    actually i m not so critical of myself all the time but sometimes....Yes...
    but its just depends on my mood...
    Its (ur note) not for those who hav failed but those who don't want to die easily,, Right?????
    nice inspirational one....

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. thanks nishant..u r right..well i used to b very very critical abt myself..which worked against me most of t times..(now i don't give a damn!) you can't be good at's completely ok.but i realized it late..better late than never though.. :D
