Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oshonica's poem 'Know Thyself' has been crowned by the editors of the online interactive community called p4poetry. They handpicked the poem and added it to their featured list and Oshonica has been thanked by them for her high class work.

Ah, well..Oshonica is happy :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sometimes, I do write stuff that I personally would never want to read ;) .I have been writing a lot of philosophical stuff these days. But that's what is on my mind right now. What can I do? It will take time for something else to catch my attention and become my next victim that I can crazily obsess over :). Till then, my uncontrolled purgative urges to write sappy stuff will keep getting the upper hand of me. Dear readers, show patience.

Thank You!

Yours truly.


Friday, November 12, 2010

'I WRITE LIKE' software's tagline should be..

"There are only some writings that I find worth analyzing.

for everything else,

there's a  DAN BROWN


Personally, I never found his writing tacky in any way. Or was I a terrible reader back then ??

May be..

But come on guys. Cut him some slack. 'Angels and Demons' was a pretty cool stuff.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010




and the dirty creature just keeps making its advances towards me. AARGHH...

A Teacher par excellence

   (Dr. Stephen Hicks, Professor of Philosophy at Rockford College,Illinois,USA)

One thing I wanna say to Dr.Stephen Hicks (even though there is no way that he can know it) who has his multiple videos uploaded on youtube and teaches us about things in life that I have had profound interest in --

                                          *** YOU ARE MY HERO ***

What I spent last ten years searching for and asking myself and pondering and questioning over, all that exercise which was so painful and made worse by the darkness of the path I was traveling 'all alone', all those things I felt in me but my limited power of expression and the intricacy of the topic itself caused them to remain locked up inside me have finally found a voice that is not just eloquent but also compassionate and lucid. Although, I did reach the end of my trail on my own and life from here does look brighter than ever, although the greatest thinkers of postmodern era held my hand and showed me the steps I should take, it is this guy who summed up my journey in the perfect words. He just has a knack of saying all the right things that strike a perfect cord with my feelings. Thanks for being there Dr.Hicks and consider this post as my tribute to your genius and to your efforts in letting it reach us in the most clear way. Thanks for being such a great teacher.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Einstein Baba..

Everybody knows who Albert Einstein was. But a very few might be aware that apart from being a scientist of highest caliber and a Nobel laureate, he was also a wise, clear thinking philosopher. His views on life are a direct extension of his phenomenal work in physics and science in general. Here, he presents his philosophy in the simplest words that can be understood by all. Any person with a little inquisitiveness and original thinking will find something to stop and ponder over in his quotes that follow. Frankly, it surprises me when some people shrug at the mere mention of the word 'philosophy' and assume that their existence has nothing to do with it. Well, if life is a river then philosophy is its flow. Philosophy is not just a subject, it is life and you are living it every moment. How can you be not interested in something when you are in the middle of it?  Anyway. Go through the following quotes. I am sure they will be an interesting and insightful read.

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive."

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.There is nothing divine about morality; it is a purely human affair." ( I remember in my article- Conversations With God-  I had put forth this view regarding morality being born and bred in human conscience and not dictated by some imaginary supreme being. Einstein said the same thing. Swell moment :p )
"My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God."

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
(For more on Einstein and his philosophical views, visit this. If you are  interested in his scientific work, the same weblink has some great collection of that stuff as well.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Know Thyself

( being a member of human species which is self-aware unlike other animals and has the capacity to think, i was bound to question some basic aspects of my existence in this mind boggling universe. and in order to make sense of things, i always relied upon the power of human intellect and logical reasoning rather than on mystic faith and blind belief. the purpose of my life, the nature of this universe, the concept of god, the good and the evil, who's to decide the codes of morality and what separates right from wrong, these questions have haunted me from as long as i can remember. but now, i am slowly getting my answers. i make no more demands from this place, i don't seek for coherence and rationality behind its ways. i take the world the way it is. i take full responsibility of my life and accept the absurd around me as it is.)

In your every beauty, there is malice. In malice, there is innocence and indifference.
In your infinity my creator, of what value is my existence?

Gazing at the starry skies, behind that angelic beauty,
Looms a despairing pointlessness which my heart alone sees.

Billion jewels scattered in space. Some bright, some dead.
Spinning and rotating is all their fate.

My abode is pretty .Here clouds gather, they roar and pour.
Waves retreat and again crash on the shore.

The emerald carpet, it breathes and blooms. Soon worn out, retires into gloom.
Life in its inception was branded with doom.

Primordial life, it crept and evolved.
Here I am, still riding the wave. Dazed and unaware of ‘where’ and 'why' of it all.

Is human existence mere instinctual? It observes, it questions.
The thing that beats in me, pines for a purpose.

What do we stand for? Let me hear.
Live till 70 or die tomorrow. A mere blink in your cosmic year.

But it was long before I realized, I was shooting in the dark.
Universe will always be silent to all our cries and calls.

Like Sisyphus, we all roll our own boulders up the hill.
All the while knowing, it will slide back down the moment we reach the peak.

Now I know what I tried to seize and hold was nothing but the sand that slipped out through my fingers before I could know.

The world is absurd and shall remain so.
Go; wrap it in pretty ribbon of mystic faith and sing in its praise with eloquence,
It’s only truth that I shall forever behold.

So now, with the fall of my delusion, where should I go?
Bemoan the loss and wander in negation? Lose hopes and burn in nihilism?


I chose rugged truth over a cozy lie.This randomness, I won't curse nor defy.
I confront it and in its face, I’ll stand tall and smile.

I have reached the end of my trail.
I need no death or faith to free me. I am already liberated.

Nothing imprisons me. no god, no religion, no fear of hell, no lure of heaven.
And still my values stand. Not imposed but rather chosen.

Though in this randomness, everything is justified.
the good and the bad, thrive alongside in the same empty sky.

But our sufferings are real and life is sacred.
And in upholding its sanctity, I find the way of my life.